Sunday, November 23, 2014


1. A title of one book by Alice Walker is In Search of our Mothers' garden.

2. A title of one book by George Will is Press, politics and popular government.

3. The author of The Making of the President is Theodore H. White.

4. The author of Angela's Ashes is Frank McCourt.

5. Two books and their authors dealing with the subject of adoption are (1) Birthmarks: transracial adoption  in contemporary America. The author is Sandra Lee Patton. (2) The basics of adoption: a guide for building families in the U.S. and Canada. The authors are James Dickerson and Mardi Allen.


1. A title of one book by Alice Walker is In Search of our Mothers' garden.

2. A title of one book by George Will is Press, politics, & popular government.

3. The author of The Making of the President is Theodore H. White.

4. The author of Angela's Ashes is Frank McCourt.

5. Two books and their authors dealing with the subject of adoption are (1) Birthmarks: Transracial adoption in contemporary America.  The author is Sandra Lee Patton. (2) The basics of adoption: a guide for building families in the U.S. and Canada.  The authors are James Dickerson, and Mardi Allen.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Today, I am going to take a walk down memory lane to a day when I was having a horrible day where it seemed nothing was going right.  Well, I was just finally ending my day and had picked up my son.  We were on our way home and were turning left on a pretty busy street.  Low and behold my car stalled and would not start!! I was full panic mode (mind you my son was just a toddler back then) Then out of no where a female police officer came up behind me on foot.  I thought perfect not only am I going to hold up traffic, felt horrible but now I'm getting a ticket!! She told me to get in and steer and she pushed my car all the way to the other side, out of the way.  She smiled and wished me a good day.  I realize now that this awesome women didn't have to help me. She just helped because she wanted to be kind.  I always remember how grateful I felt that day and just hope someday she knows what a great example she is of her unselfish acts.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Freewriting technique

The freewriting technique is going to be one of my first blogs here. I am taking a class 3 times a week where we have to journal and pretty much use this same technique. Well needless to say i haven't written in a journal in years. I pretty much think of it for high school kids who's to say. The instructor told us to write like we were pouring water in a cup. i  Just don't think about it and let my thoughts go on the paper. Well I was so surprised that my thoughts were so different once I started writing them down.  This technique of just letting it flow and getting all the thoughts down so then you can have a look can be pretty powerful stuff.  That way you can sort everything out. figure out what stays what's lame...etc... Once I start then more ideas can easily be reached.  Then I able to start the process of writing a good solid paper that is interesting and has ideas that i  want my  reader to understand. So definitely think that free writing (or prewriting) is an absolute when first starting out on any paper. Plus then I will have something to work with other then a blank page and a headache.

Speech Review on Connect

I didn't do very well on my first assignment with connect.  I see I have my work cut out for me.  I know i already know this stuff however it looks like I will have to dig deeper to find it! I really didn't take it seriously because I thought it would be like riding a bike and I would easily answer the questions with ease. I am going back to connect after this and get some more practice in before next week.